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Smart Guide to... Dieting

Weight Loss & Diet Plans A-Z

Whether you would like to know more about a specific diet, or you are starting from scratch and looking for the diet plan best suited to your needs, this WebMD guide will be an excellent starting point. All major and minor diets are presented with a wealth of details and Q&As with nutrition professionals.

U.S. News Best Diets

Now in its tenth year, U.S. News Best Diets evaluates and ranks 35 diets on a range of levels, from their heart healthiness to their likelihood to help you lose weight. Each profile explains how the diet works, determines whether its claims add up or fall short, and scrutinizes it for possible health risks.

Meal Delivery Services

If you need a little help adjusting to the preparation of diet-conscious meals, these services will deliver to your door pre-portioned ingredients and step-by-step instructions for balanced meals. In this review, dietitians zero in on 10 of the best options that provide the most personalized and health-conscious eating plans.

More guides
Learn about... Emotional Eating

Learn about... Mediterranean Diet and Brain Health

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