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Smart Guide to... Diabetes

HealthCentral Diabetes Portal

This website offers practical, up-to-date, medically-reviewed articles, expert tips, inspirational patient stories, and informative podcasts. It also features webinars covering blood glucose management, related conditions information, plus weight loss, and diet.

Diabetes Health Center

This WebMD portal compiles a large number of well-edited articles to help diabetes patients better understand their condition and how to manage it. The information is very practical and includes current news related to diabetes, as well as educational videos on specific aspects of the condition.

Living with Diabetes

This resource from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) focuses on the quality of life of patients with diabetes. It emphasizes support and education, and targets specific aspects of the management of condition on a daily basis. The issue of the mental strain sometimes associated with diabetes is also addressed.

More guides
Learn about... Diabetes and the Body

Learn about... Diabetes and Nutrition

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